
SCF is a no-profit association recognized by the Ministry of Labour joining together 48 organisations managing 120 VET centres distributed in 12 different regions. SCF works primarily to offer a representative support and an effective coordinating action to all associates, with a specific interest on methodologies, evaluation, innovation, and transfer of best practices.

Main activities of SCF’s members concern:

  • 3 and 4 years-long VET programmes for young people aged 14-17 still in compulsory education, including apprenticeship
  • post-secondary/tertiary VET programmes in a variety of sectors
  • upskilling for the workers
  • targeted programmes (counselling, support, training and activation measures, work-experiences, etc.) for the unemployed and the disadvantaged groups
  • supporting entrepreneurship.

Since 2001, SCF has been taking part, as promoter or partner, in 79 EU projects (25 mobility projects + 54 cooperation projects) financed by ERASMUS+ KA1, KA2, KA3 and SPORT, pilot schemes, IPA Adriatic CBC, Interreg Italy/Slovenia and Italy/Croatia, LLP, Daphne, Progress, thus creating a network of about 200 partners. 18 projects are still running today under: Pilot VET mobility scheme for the Enlargement countries and Africa; Erasmus KA1, KA2, SPORT, KA3 and Sector Skills Alliance. In 2018, SCF was awarded the European Funding for Excellence for the Erasmus+ project “MoLVET”. Since 2001, SCF has promoted foreign mobility for over 3,700 people: 2,546 IVET learners, 444 graduates and 796 VET professionals. During pandemic, virtual exchanges were modelized and then implemented with 133 VET learners. Since 2014, SCF has also hosted about 690 EU VET Learners and Staff. Since 2015, SCF has been issued the VET Mobility Charter and in 2021 has obtained the Erasmus+ VET Accreditation for Mobility. Since 2013, SCF has been actively involved in the development and testing of ECVET approach applied to mobility (http://www.scformazione.org/gores/ ); the approach is Learning Outcomes-based.  A Toolkit made of 5 tools was created and tested with 500 young learners and 178 trainers. At the EU level SCF is member of: EfVET ; Comité Européen de Coordination ; NetInvet ;  InnMain  and AMFORHT . At the national level, SCF is member of: CONFAP  ; Gio.Net , which adheres to YES Forum ; Offenders Pathways to Employment National Network  ; C’Entro   which is member of the EU network EUROCARERS  and FARI  which is member of AIMFR . SCF participates in the European Alliance for Apprenticeship.