Connecting Europe through Blended Mobilities CONNECTING EUROPE!
CONNECTING EUROPE! is an ERASMUS+ (KA2) a 31-month project, aiming to support lifelong learning and the educational, professional and personal development of VET students in Europe and beyond.
Especially involved to the hospitality, healthcare and technical sector.
The project will showcase how genuine and transparent European collaboration between VET providers, intermediary organizations and employers will facilitate the mobility of students and increase the European collaboration between institutions involved in Erasmus+ mobilities.
The project and its results will help to raise awareness of how inclusiveness will benefit all involved in a mobility and how responsive, qualitative and collaborative preparation of VET students will enable them to gain the skills needed to become active European citizens who can work in multicultural environments and adapt to change.
To be able to provide students with successful and gratifying learning experiences we need to gain understanding in and accept the realities in which intermediary organizations and VET providers work.
This will enable VET providers to:
- improve the quality of collaboration between the sending and hosting organization & intermediary organizations and VET providers and
- establish and maintain the Connecting Europe Consortium
Our aim is to improve the collaboration between sending and hosting partners and intermediary and VET providers
- To incorporate user friendly, accessible and responsive Virtual Learning Units focusing on preparing students for a Erasmus+ mobility in a way to enable Erasmus+ consortiums to collaborate in a time effective manner and in a way that improves the quality of the learning experiences of all those involved.
- To develop interactive and online tools that help VET providers identify and recognize formal and non-formal skills that students develop during their mobility
- VET providers
- VET students
- All actors involved in Erasmus+ KA1 mobilities
- Intermediary organizations,
- Employers
- Stakeholders and companies representing the hospitality, healthcare and technical fields