p-consulting.gr is an IT Consulting company focused on Training, established in 2012, and located in Patras (Greece). Main objectives of the company is the provision of:
- quality IT and consulting services in business terms to companies and enterprises in all sectors of economy,
- training services which address the needs of various target groups,
- IT services, focusing on web development and creation of online educational platforms,
- managing and developing of project services, mostly oriented to improve the quality of people, especially people who from socially vulnerable groups.
In addition, the company has a well-established network as it has implemented up to now over 40 European Projects, with the collaboration of over 180 partners, among 24 EU countries. It has implemented hundreds of National Projects and has more than 250 clients in the field of IT and business support. It is also remarkable that p-consulting.gr has numerous collaborations in projects even beyond Europe. Additionally, it is an active member of EfVET since 2012. p-consulting.gr is combining training and IT services, by focusing to digital interactive training, through developing and creating online training courses, educational games, gamification tools, web and mobile applications using new and innovative technologies totally respecting WCAG2.0 (accessibility protocols). The company holds four European awards of best practices, three awards in Greece and one in Lithuania. Its main aim is the digital transformation of businesses and organisations through the innovative exploitation of existing tools guaranteeing a swift, sustainable, and effective process.